Residents urged to consider Making a Difference!
Shropshire Council's Local Plan Review
Worthen and Brockton Community Hub Settlement Residential Guideline Around 55 dwellings
Land at Bank Farm, Worthen (WBR007 & WBR008) 25 Dwellings
Site design and layout should complement the villages character and setting. Mature trees and hedgerows on the site should be retained.
A Transport Assessment should be carried out to determine appropriate measures for improving safe pedestrian and cycle access to local services and 25 dwellings Page 176 Shropshire Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan Page 164 Site Allocation Development Guidelines Provision amenities.
As part of this, an attractive pedestrian route should be provided through the site and the Public Right of Way across the site retained. Vehicular access will be provided from an appropriate location onto the B4386 and appropriate traffic calming measure introduced, including extension of the 30mph speed limit.
Bank Farm farmstead and other historic farm buildings should be retained and sensitively converted. A Heritage Assessment should be undertaken, and any appropriate mitigation measures implemented. Any contaminated land on the site should be remediated and buffers provided to adjacent slurry lagoons. The site will incorporate appropriate sustainable drainage, informed by a sustainable drainage strategy. Any residual surface water flood risk will be managed by excluding development from the affected areas of the site, which will form part of the Green Infrastructure network. Flood and water management measures must not displace water elsewhere.
Land South of the B4386, Worthen (WBR010) 20 Dwellings
An appropriate access will be provided and any necessary traffic calming measures implemented. The site will provide a substantial pedestrian footway along its road frontage and an appropriate crossing of the B4386 linking this footway to that to the north of the road.
Mature trees, hedgerows and priority habitats will be retained and appropriately buffered. Strong and significant natural site boundaries will be provided to the east, west and south.
This will include sustainable planting of large trees to integrate the site into the landscape. Landscape buffers will be provided between the site and existing development.
Shropshire Council’s Cabinet will next month (20 July 2020) be asked to approve the latest – ‘pre-submission’ – version of the council’s new local plan, and agree that it goes out to consultation this summer.
The council is undertaking a partial review of the local plan for the period 2016 to 2038.
The plan will support a range of key policies and opportunities for Shropshire including climate change, housing and economic growth.
This latest version of the plan was originally scheduled to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 6 July. However, it was felt that the importance of, and interest in, this issue meant that a meeting dedicated to this one item would be more appropriate.
In addition, the additional two weeks will enable the council to agree and confirm arrangements for the consultation – something that is needed as COVID-19 restrictions have meant that it has not yet been possible to agree use of all the public buildings it is hoped to use.
The planned consultation won’t be delayed and is set to begin at the end of July as planned.
The pre-submission version of the local plan is the culmination of four previous stages of consultation: issues and options (2017); preferred scale and distribution of growth (2017); preferred site options (2018/19); and strategic sites (2019).
If approved by Cabinet the pre-submission version of the plan will be subject to consultation over the summer for eight weeks, and will then be submitted to Government for examination in January 2021, subject to Full Council approval later this year.
Further information
Key dates
• Cabinet – 20 July 2020
• Consultation for at least eight weeks: July – September 2020
• Opportunity for Council to make minor changes to plan: September – December 2020
• Full Council decision to submit the Plan to Government for Examination: December 2020
• Submission and examination: January to December 2021
• Adoption: early 2022
Please go to the attached link
Click on The report and the plan will be published here and start at page 159 with particular interest in pages 161 and 176
A map can be found on the attached link
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