Worthen with Shelve Parish Council


Reference Applicant Application Date Proposal Status
18/00599/FUL Mr Roy Evans 5th February 2018 Erection of a portal frame building to house agricultural machinery and... Granted
Tankerville Pottery Farm Tankerville Pennerley Shrewsbury Shropshire
18/00565/AMP Mrs S Cullis 1st February 2018 Non-Material amendment to planning application number 16/02796/FUL Awaiting decision
Proposed Dwelling At Oakage Riding School Hope Shropshire
18/00565/DIS Mrs S Cullis 1st February 2018 Revised proposals (UPVC-framed windows and composite door) to discharge... Granted
Proposed Dwelling At Oakage Riding School Hope Shropshire
18/00452/DIS Mr J V Wyke 29th January 2018 Discharge of conditions 3 (parking and turning details) and 4(drainage)... Granted
Owl Cottage Shelve Shropshire
18/00427/DIS Mr & Mrs G Fisher 25th January 2018 Discharge Condition 4 (drainage) of outline planning permission No. 16/03116/... Discharge Conditions Part Approved
Proposed Residential Development South West Of Longhope Gravels Bank Minsterley Shropshire
18/00384/REM Mrs C Hughes 23rd January 2018 Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping and layout) in pursuance... Granted
Land North Of Mistletoe Cottage Crows Nest Snailbeach Shropshire
PREAPP/18/00023 Mr Robert Fraser 18th January 2018 Proposed 2 bedroom bungalow. Unknown
17/06173/REM Mr & Mrs C Lovell 18th January 2018 Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale... Granted
Proposed Dwelling West Of The Hawthorns Brockton Worthen Shropshire
17/06003/FUL Mr Alan Hughes 16th January 2018 Siting of residential caravan Refused
Land Adjoining Disused Railway Line Snailbeach Shropshire
PREAPP/18/00015 Ms M L Robbins 10th January 2018 Rebuild of end wall and additional patio doors. Addition of conservatory. Re-... Unknown
